You are searching for a mathematics tutor to help a student in your home.


Teaching and Tutoring Experiences

I teach mathematics in Middlesex County College and Mercer County Community College. I also tutor mathematics primarily to high school students, although I occasionally also tutor middle school and college students.

I am usually very successful in both my mathematics tutoring and my SAT mathematics tutoring in that in the former, my students generally improve their grades and in the latter, my students score considerably higher than they had on the PSAT.

I teach free SAT Math classes at the library headquarters on Symmes Road in Manalapan, New Jersey. Classes are held from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM on each of the two fridays before every PSAT and SAT exam. Stop in and sit in on a class.

If you’d like to speak to someone about the benefit that I’ve provided for their kids, just ask when you speak with me and I’ll be glad to provide you with clients’ telephone numbers (provided with their permission of course), and you can call them and speak with them directly.

Since I’ve been tutoring in the same areas for years, I may even be able to put you in touch with someone who lives in your neighborhood and whose kids attended the same schools that your kids do.

Below, is a client tree, that lets you see how valuable some parents consider the service that I’ve provided to their kids. When a parent uses the services of a tutor and then calls the tutor at a later time to work with another of their children, that tells a story.

Similarly, when a local resident gives the name of a tutor to a friend so that they, too, can use the services of the tutor, that also tells a story. When the tree below shows that I tutored multiple children in a family, they were usually one, two or three years apart.

Pearl (2 students) referred me to Ariel and to Avima

  • Ariel
  • Sherri referred me to Donna
  • Avima (2 students) referred me to Sherri

Bernie referred me to Debra

  • Debra referred me to Amy
  • Arthur referred me to Collette (2 students)
  • Debra referred me to Arthur (2 students)

Eileen referred me to Amy, Michelle and Robin

  • Amy referred me to Rachael and Olga
  • Robin referred me to Dylan